Variazioni su un tema / Variations on a theme

15 september – 22 october 2017

The Antonio Verolino Gallery presents “Variations on a theme”, an exhibition that brings together works by three artists: Arthur Duff, Alberto Gianfreda and Paolo Ventura, plus a site-specific intervention by the young artist from Modena Luca Zamoc.

The exhibition curated by Luca Panaro and Paola Formenti Tavazzani will open on Friday 15 September 2017 at 6pm as part of the Modena Philosophy Festival. The project was born around the central topic of this new edition of the Festival, which will reflect on the relationship between thought and art by investigating the concept of technique, work and work, as well as the impact that the image has on the world and its meanings and on the transformation of the artist’s role.

Despite the evident diversity of the techniques used and the variations proposed, the works of the artists presented express a constant rigorous fidelity to their personal, very articulated, structure of thought: for Arthur Duff, the dynamics of the flows that cross the entire universe from the invisible to the visible and vice versa; for Alberto Gianfreda the resilience of the icon, which adapts to new specific situations in an interactive way; for Paolo Ventura, theatricality recreated and photographed in an atmosphere between the real and the surreal. In the very recent works on display in the exhibition, it will be seen how the sciences, in particular astrophysics for the first, the anthropology of the sacred for the second, and history, cinematography for the third and philosophy for all, constantly nourish their research.